Human Being Management

The Human Being Management is the innovative management philosophy developed by researcher Eduard Baas in 2016.

From ‘Human Resource’ to ‘Human Being’

‘There’s more than meets the eye’; that’s exactly what HBM is all about. In organizations and companies, we often look at a person’s observable behavior and skills. But what really moves someone? What behavior is conscious, or just not? What are natural talents or pitfalls?

HBM shows people what their talents are happiness and success factors. It helps people discover what they are naturally really good at. This awareness stimulates them to make decisions and take their responsibility. This is how people become sustainably successful for an organization, but primarily for themselves.

Revealing the nature of people

Human Resources Management assumes only culture and structure.

HBM investigates with individuals, teams and organizations, besides the known layers of structure (rules and processes) and culture (behavior, knowledge, skills), also the layer of one’s nature (unconscious drives). Gaining insight into nature and its hidden potential offers opportunities for growth and development.

HBM distinguishes itself by looking first at nature. Both the nature of an organization and of the individuals in an organization. Not having a view of nature is often the reason why desired changes in a culture are not successful. This is precisely why bringing in nature is very important.

Discovering the unconscious with Analytical Competence Tool (ACT)

Every person has patterns and impediments that may not be visible at first glance, but which explain why someone does as they do. HBM provides insight into these unconscious drives with the ACT© measurement.

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